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He was forever prepared and birth for a chance; there could not be no solit'ry issue mentioned but that feller'd supply to bet it, and take any aspect you please, as i used to be simply telling you. If there was a race, you'd notice him flush or you'd notice him busted at the tip of it; if there was a dog-fight, he'd bet it; if there was a cat-fight, he'd bet it; if there was a chicken-fight, he'd bet it; why, if there was 2 birds setting on a fence, he would bet you which one would fly first; or if there was a camp-meeting, he would be there reg'lar to bet man of the cloth Walker, that he judged to be the simplest exhorter regarding here, and he was, too, and a decent man. If he even see a straddle-bug begin to travel anywheres, he would bet you how long it'd take him to urge to--to where he was planning to, and if you took him up, he would foller that straddle-bug to United Mexican States however what he would verify wherever he was certain for and the way long he was on the road. a lot of the boys here has seen that Smiley and might tell you regarding him. Why, it ne'er created no distinction to him--he'd bet any thing--the dangest feller. man of the cloth Walker's adult female set terribly sick once, for a decent whereas, and it appeared as if they warn't planning to save her; however one morning he are available in, and Smiley up and asked him however she was, and he aforesaid she was significant better--thank the Lord for his inf'nit' mercy--and drawing close thus sensible that with the blessing of Prov'dence she'd regain yet; and emoticon, before he thought, says, ‘Well, i will risk twoand- a-half she do not anyway.'"

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Thish-yer emoticon had a mare--the boys referred to as her the fifteen-minute nag, however that was only in fun, you know, because, of course, she was quicker than that--and he accustomed win money on it horse, for all she was thus slow and forever had the respiratory disorder, or the distemper, or the consumption, or one thing of that sort. They accustomed offer her 2 or 3 hundred yards begin, then pass her beneath way; however forever at the fag-end of the race she'd get excited and desperate-like, and are available cavorting and straddling up, and scattering her legs around limber, typically within the air, and typically resolute one aspect amongst the fences, and kicking up m-o-r-e mud and raising m-o-r-e racket together with her coughing and sneezing and processing her nose--and forever finish up at the stand almost about a neck ahead, as close to as you'll cipher it down. And he had to a slightly small bull-pup, that to appear at him you'd assume he warn't value a cent but to line around and appearance crotchety and lay for an opportunity to steal one thing. however as before long as money was au courant him he was a unique dog; his under-jaw'd begin to stay out just like the fo'-castle of a boat, and his teeth would uncover and shine just like the furnaces.

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And a dog may tackle him and bully-rag him, and bite him, and throw him over his shoulder two or thrice, and saint Jackson--which was the name of the pup--Andrew Jackson would ne'er let out however what he was glad, and hadn't expected nothing else-- and the bets being doubled and doubled on the opposite aspect all the time, until the cash was all up; then all of a abrupt he would grab that different dog jest by the j'int of his hind leg and freeze to it--not chaw, you perceive, however just about grip and droop on until they throwed up the sponge, if it had been a year. emoticon forever take off winner on it pup, till he controlled a dog once that did not don't have any hind legs, as a result of they'd been sawed off in a very circular saw, and once the issue had lapsed way enough, and also the cash was all up, and he come back to create a snatch for his pet holt, he see in a very minute however he'd been obligatory on, and the way the opposite dog had him within the door, thus to talk, and he 'peared stunned, and then he looked sorter discouraged-like, and did not strive no a lot of to win the fight, and so he got shucked out unhealthy.

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He gave emoticon a glance, the maximum amount on say his heart was bust, and it was his fault, for golf stroke up a dog that hadn't no hind legs for him to require holt of, which was his main dependence in a very fight, then he limped off a bit and set down and died. it had been a decent pup, was that full general, and would have created a reputation for hisself if he'd lived, for the things was in him and he had genius--I comprehend it, because he hadn't no opportunities to talk of, and it do not stand to reason that a dog might create such a fight as he might beneath them circumstances if he hadn't no talent. It forever makes me feel sorry after I consider that last fight of his'n, and also the approach it clad. Well, thish-yer emoticon had rat-tarriers, and chicken cocks, and tom-cats and every one of them kind of things, until you could not rest, and you could not fetch nothing for him to bet however he'd match you. He ketched a frog sooner or later, and took him home, and aforesaid he cal'lated to educate him; then he ne'er done nothing for 3 months however set in his back yard and learn that frog to leap. And you said it you he did learn him, too. He'd offer him slightly punch behind, and also the next minute you'd see that frog whirling within the air sort of a doughnut- -see him flip one summerset, or is also some, if he got a decent begin, and are available down flat-footed and every one right, like a cat.

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He got him up thus within the matter of ketching flies, and kep' him in observe thus constant, that he'd nail a fly when as fur as he might see him. Smiley aforesaid all a frog needed was education, and he might do 'most anything--and I believe him. Why, I've seen him set Dan'l Webster down here on this floor--Dan'l Webster was the name of the frog--and sing out, "Flies, Dan'l, flies!" and quicker'n you could wink he'd spring straight up and snake a fly off'n the counter there, and flop down on the ground ag'in as solid as a gob of mud, and fall to scratching the aspect of his head with his hind foot as indifferent as if he hadn't no plan he'd been doin' any more'n any frog might do. You ne'er see a frog thus modest and straightfor'ard as he was, for all he was thus gifted. And once it come back to honest and sq. jumping on a dead level, he might recover from more ground at one straddle than any animal of his breed you ever see. Jumping on a dead level was his robust suit, you understand; and once it come back to it, emoticon would ante up cash on him as long as he had a red. emoticon was monstrous happy with his frog, and well he can be, for fellers that had traveled and been everywheres, all aforesaid he set over any frog that ever they see. Well, emoticon kep' the beast in a very very little lattice box, and he accustomed fetch him downtown sometimes and lay for a bet.

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A feller--a alien in the camp, he was--come acrost him along with his box, and says: "What can be that you have dawned the box?" And emoticon says, sorter indifferent-like, "It can be a parrot, or it would be a canary, maybe, however it ain't--it's just about a frog." And the feller took it, and checked out it careful, and turned it spherical this fashion which, and says, "H'm--so 'tis. Well, what is he smart for?" "Well," emoticon says, straightforward and careless, "he's ok for one issue, I ought to judge-- he will outjump any frog in Calaveras county." The feller took the box once more, and took another long, specific look, and provides it back to Smiley, and says, terribly deliberate, "Well," he says, "I do not see no p'ints that frog that's any better'n the other frog." "Maybe you do not," emoticon says. "Maybe you perceive frogs and perhaps you do not understand 'em; perhaps you have had expertise, and perhaps you ain't solely a amature, as it were. Anyways, I've got my opinion and i will risk forty bucks that he will outjump any frog in Calaveras County." And the feller studied a moment, then says, kinder unhappy like, "Well, i am solely a alien here, and that i ain't got no frog; however if I had a frog, i might bet you."

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And then emoticon says, "That's all right--that's all right--if you will hold my box a moment, I'll go and acquire you a frog." then the feller took the box, and place up his forty bucks on with Smiley's, and set all the way down to wait. So he set there a decent whereas thinking and thinking to his-self, then he got the frog out and prized his mouth open and took a teaspoon and crammed him jam-packed with quail shot--filled! him pretty close to up to his chin--and set him on the ground. emoticon he visited the swamp and slopped around within the mud for a protracted time, and at last he ketched a frog, and fetched him in, and provides him to the present feller, and says: "Now, if you are prepared, set him aboard of Dan'l, along with his forepaws simply even with Dan'l's, and i will offer the word." Then he says, "One--two--three--git!" and him and also the feller touched up the frogs from behind, and also the new frog hopped off spirited, but Dan'l give a heave, and hysted up his shoulders--so--like a Frenchwoman, however it warn't no use--he couldn't budge; he was planted as solid as a church, and he could not no a lot of stir than if he was anchored out. emoticon was a decent deal stunned, and he was fed up too, but he didn't have no plan what the matter was, of course. The feller took the cash and commenced away; and once he was going out at the door, he sorter jerked his thumb over his shoulder--so--at Dan'l, and says once more, terribly deliberate,

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"Well," he says, "I do not see no p'ints that frog that is any better'n the other frog." Smiley he stood scratching his head and looking out down at Dan'l a protracted time, and finally says, "I do surprise what within the nation that frog throwed off for--I surprise if there ain't something the matter with him--he 'pears to appear mighty saggy, somehow." And he ketched Dan'l up by the nap of the neck, and hefted him, and says, "Why blame my cats if he do not weigh 5 pounds!" and turned him the wrong way up and he belched out a double handful of shot. then he see however it had been, and he was the maddest man--he set the frog down and took out subsequently feller, however he ne'er ketched him. And---- (Here Simon Wheeler detected his name referred to as from the grounds, and got up to visualize what was wanted.) And turning to American state as he enraptured away, he said: "Just set wherever you're, stranger, and rest easy--I ain't planning to be gone a second." But, by your leave, I didn't assume that a continuation of the history of the enterprising vagabond Jim emoticon would be doubtless to afford American state abundant info regarding the Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley, then I started away. At the door I met the sociable Wheeler returning, and he buttonholed American state and recommenced: "Well, thish-yer emoticon had a yaller, eyed cow that did not don't have any tail, solely jest a short stump sort of a bannanner, and----"

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However, lacking each time and inclination, I didn't wait to listen to regarding the afflicted cow, but took my leave. Elder Brown told his adult female good-by at the house door as automatically as if his proposed trip to Macon, 10 miles away, was associate everyday affair, while, as a matter of fact, a few years had pass on since unaccompanied he set foot within the town. He didn't kiss her. several superb men ne'er kiss their wives. however little blame attaches to the elder for his omission on this occasion, since his adult female had some time past discouraged all amorous demonstrations on the a part of her liege lord, and at this specific moment was filling the parting moments with a rattling list of directions regarding thread, buttons, hooks, needles, and every one the various etceteras of associate industrious housewife's basket. The elder was laboriously assorting these postscript commissions in his memory, well knowing that to return with anyone of them neglected would cause hassle within the area. Elder Brown mounted his patient warhorse that stood sleepily static within the heat sunlight, along with his nice pointed ears showed the proper and left, as if their owner had big uninterested in the life burden their weight inflicted upon him, and was, previous soldier fashion, able to precede the once rigid alertness of early coaching for the pleasures of frequent rest on arms.

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"And, elder, do not you forgit them caliker scraps, or you will be wantin' kiver before long an' no kiver are going to be a-comin'." Elder Brown didn't flip his head, however just let the favourable position, that had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered automatically. The beast he bestrode responded with a speedy whisking of its tail and a good show of effort, because it ambled off down the sandy road, the rider's long legs ostensible currently then to the touch the bottom. But because the zigzag panels of the fencing crept behind him, and he felt the liberty of the morning starting to touch his well-trained blood, the mechanical manner of the previous man's mind gave place to a gentle exuberance.

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A weight looked as if it would be lifting from it ounce by ounce because the fence panels, the weedy corners, the persimmon sprouts and sassafras bushes crept away behind him, in order that by the time a mile lay between him and also the life partner of his joys and sorrows he was in a very moderately happy frame of mind, and still improving. It was a queer figure that crept on the road that sunny could morning. it had been tall and gaunt, and had been for thirty years or a lot of. The long head, bald on high, coated behind with iron-gray hair, and ahead with a brief tangled growth that curled and kinked in every direction, was head by associate old style stove-pipe hat, worn and stained, but eminently spectacular. associate old style politico fabric coat, stained and threadbare, divided itself impartially over the donkey's back and dangled on his sides.


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