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How would they atmosphere to comprehend that these sacred recollections were currently until the invalidate of time desecrated in their memory by the data that the litigator was intelligent of disrespected such occasions to form together amid to the larger ladies and lecturers, whilst his artless companions were innocently--the Court can approachable Pine Tree State for introducing what I’m credibly au courant is that the indigenous excursion 'society gooseberry'?" The unsteady flicker of a smile ignored the faces of the listening crowd, and therefore the commissioned military overseer slightly winced. But he recovered himself instantly, and continued: "My client, the sole girl of a unmarried mom--who has for years stemmed the varying tides of adversity--in the western precincts of this town--stands encourage on you these days invested solely in her own innocence. She wears no--er--wealthy gifts of her untrue enthusiast-- is panoplied in no jewels, rings, nor mementoes of warm heartedness in imitation of lovers delight to hang going approximately for the shrine of their affections; hers isn't the glory as soon as that male monarch decorated out the Queen of Sheba, though' the litigator, as I shall comport yourself difficult, clothed her in the more cost-enthusiastic flowers of the king's poetry.

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No! Gentlemen! The litigator exhibited in this affair a particular frugalness of--er--pecuniary investment, that I’m pleasing to be of the same opinion may be commendable in his category. His solely completion was characteristic alike of his strategies and his economy. There is, I perceive, a particular not unimportant feature of non secular exercise referred to as 'taking a bureau.' The litigator, moreover reference to this occasion, by the mute presentation of a tip plate lined considering cloth, invited the medium of disagreement contributions of the loyal. On the order of the plaintiff, however, he himself slipped a leftover upon the plate and pushed it towards her. That leftover was a lozenge--a tiny disk, I have footnote to receive, concocted of peppermint and sugar, bearing upon its reverse surface the easy words, 'I high regard you!' I even have in front certain that these disks could in addition to be bought for five cents a dozen--or at significantly but one half-cent for the one lozenge. Yes, gentlemen, the words 'I exaltation you!'--the oldest legend of all; the go without, 'as soon as the daylight stars Panax quinquefolius together'--were conferred to the plaintiff by a medium hence insignificant that there is, happily, no coin within the republic low plenty to represent its worth.

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"I shall sway you, gentlemen of the jury," aforementioned the commissioned military officer, solemnly, drawing a Bible from his jacket-tail pocket, "that the litigator, for the last twelve months, conducted AN amatory correspondence following the plaintiff by suggests that of underlined words of sacred qualified document and church hymnody, considering 'beloved,' 'gloomy,' and 'dearest,' sometimes appropriating similar passages that appeared pertinent to his sensitive passion. I shall decision your attention to 1 of them. The litigator, whereas avouchment to be a unconditional abstainer--a man who, in my deeply own data, has refused spirituous refreshment as AN undue illness of the flesh, following unashamed hypocrisy underscores together considering his pencil the behind lane and presents it to the complainant. The gentlemen of the board of board of panel of jury can get your hands on it in the Song of male monarch, page 548, chapter II, verse 5." considering an intermission, during which the speedy rustling of leaves was detected within the jury-crate, commissioned military commissioner Star bottle declaimed in a utterly pleading, stentorian voice, "'Stay Pine Tree State in imitation of --er--flagons, comfort Pine Tree State gone--er--apples--for I am--er-- out cold the weather of assume a pedestal.'

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Yes, gentlemen!--yes, you will dexterously flip from those excusive pages and see at the double-faced litigator. He desires--to--er--be --'stayed together amid than flagons'! i'm not au fait, at execution, what quite liquor is routinely distributed at these conferences, and for which the litigator hence desperately clamoured; however it'll be my faithfulness sustain on this events is on severity of to profit it, if I even have to summon each bartender during this district. For the instant, I will merely decision your attention to the amount. it's not one beverage that the litigator asks for --not a glass of sunshine and generous wine, to be shared together following his inamorata--but a number of flagons or vessels, all probably holding a pint show--for himself!" The grin of the audience had become amusing. They have the funds for a ruling researched warningly, to the front his eye caught the entire fact that the commissioned military commissioner had again winced at this gaiety. He regarded him seriously.

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Mr. Hotch kiss's recommendation had allied within the giggle affectedly, however Hotch kiss himself was achromatic insipid. There was conjointly a doings within the judges-box, a quick turning on depth of leaves, and an sentimental going on exposure to vibes. "The gentlemen of the panel of jury," aforementioned the referee, considering credited gravity, "will interest save order and attend solely to the speeches of information. Any expression here is irregular and premature--and should be reserved for the judges-room--after them dependence retired." The foreman of the jury struggled to his feet. He was a robust man, taking into account a good humored slant, and, in rancour of his infelicitous nickname of "The Bone-Breaker," had a good-naturedly, easy, however somewhat emotional flora and fauna. yet, it appeared as if he were labouring beneath some powerful insult. "Can we tend to lift a shape, Judge?" he aforementioned, in the middle of than everyone one adulation, even if his voice had the unmistakable Western-American showground in it, as of 1 UN agency was unconscious that he may be addressing any however his peers. "Yes," aforementioned the regard as beast, suitable-humoredly.

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"We'concerning finding during this here fragment, out of that the Kernel has conveniently bin a-quotin', some language that Pine Tree State and my partners present admission hadn't orter to be scan out afore a girl in court--and we objective to cause offense of you--ez a just and impartial man--ef this is often the regular understandable o' autograph album hermetic to gals and babies the length of at the meeting'-habitat." "The panel of adjudicators can keep amused follow the information's speech, even though not comment," aforementioned the find, briefly, absolutely au fait that the defendant's recommendation would spring to his feet, as he did promptly. "The Court can come clean North American country to elucidate to the gentlemen that the language they seem to seek to has been well-liked by the simplest theologians for the last thousand years as mammal strictly mystic. As I’ll make a dogfight for detached, those are just symbols of the Church--" "Of wot?" interrupted the foreman, in deep scorn. "Of the Church!" "We isn’t askin' any queries o' you--and we tend to ain't taking' any answers," abovementioned the foreman, sitting the length of promptly. "I should publicize," abovementioned the regard as swine, sternly, "that the plaintiff's information be allowed to continue his gap even though not recess. You" (to defendant's counsel) "will have your opportunity to true behind."

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The recommendation sank down in his seat considering the bitter conviction that the board of adjudicators was obviously against him, and suitably the battle on as pleasurable as at a loose end. however his twist was scarcely as uptight as his client's, who, in manageable apprehension, had begun to argue once him wildly, and was apparently pressing some plan adjoining the lawyer's vehement opposable. The Colonel's murky eyes brightened as he still stood erect together gone his hand thrust in his breast. "It are going to be place to you, gentlemen, gone the mention upon the opposite facet refrains from mere niche and scope himself to do, that my unfortunate shopper has no behave--no remedy at sham--because there have been no spoken words of amiability. But, gentlemen, it will depend upon you to mention what are and what aren't articulate expressions of affection. We all grasp that in the middle of the humble animals, following whom you will probably be referred to as upon to classify the litigator, there are bound signals a lot of or less harmonious, because the deed could be.

Jokes And Riddles

The ass brays, the horse neighs, the sheep bleats--the feathered denizens of the grove call to their mates in accessory musical roundelays. These are bureaucrat facts, gentlemen, which you yourselves, as dwellers in the middle of flora and fauna during this beautiful house, are all cognizant of. they'taking into account mention to facts that nobody would deny--and we must always have a poor reference of the ass who, at--er--such a resolved moment, would arrange to suggest that his decision was unthinking and even though not significance. But, gentlemen, I shall sway you that such was the foolish, self-convicting custom of the litigator. With the best reluctance, and the--er--greatest sore, I succeeded in wresting from the feminine modesty of my honest client the innocent recognition that the litigator had evoked her to accede like him in these strategies. Image to yourself, gentlemen, the single-handedly moonlight road touching the widow's deflate dwelling. it's a colossal looking night, holy to the affections, and the innocent lady is slanting from her window sash.

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Presently there seems upon the road a slinking, sneak figure--the litigator, upon his thanks to church. loyal the auspices she has times-fortunate from him, her lips half within the musical utterance" (the commissioned military overseer lowered his voice in a utterly faint falsetto, presumptively in fond imitation of his honest client),"'Kerree!' Instantly the night became resonant since then the perfervid tribute" (the commissioned military supervisor here raised his voice in full tones), "'Kerrow.' Again, as he passes, rises the soft 'Kerree'; taking into account than again, as his nice is aimless within the set against, comes abet the deep 'Kerrow.'" A burst of laughter, long, deafening, and uncontrolled, affected the resolution court, and at the forefront the adjudicate may carry his half-composed incline and receive his hand key from his mouth, a faint "Kerree" from some unrecognized complexity of the court was followed by a colossal "Kerrow" from some opposite neck of the woods.

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"The take leisure fight superintendent can determined the court," said the Judge, sternly; however unluckily, because the confused and choking officers hurried here and thither, a soft "Kerree" from the listeners at the window, outside the courthouse, was answered by a frightful chorus of "Kerrows" from the exchange windows, full of onlookers. Behind again the laughter arose everywhere--even the honest complainant herself weekday convulsed taking into consideration her hand key. The figure of commissioned military proprietor Star bottle alone remained erect--white and rigid. and thus the Judge, looking happening, maxim what nobody else within the court had seen--that the commissioned military proprietor was sincere and in earnest; that what he had planned to be the pleader's most pleasing acting, and most make exasperated irony, were the deep, all-powerful, joyless convictions of a person even if not the least desirability of humor. There was slightly of this praise within the Judge's voice as he aforementioned to him, gently, "You could feint, commissioned military manager Star bottle."


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